Ensuring regional water
security through governance,
sustainability and best practice

06 September 2023
Head of Commissioning | Jacobs

Mohammad Hazem Soudan

I am currently managing the Commissioning department and part of the Strategy Consulting team at Jacobs. I have successfully managed more than fifty projects in Design, Construction and Operation stages. I am responsible for commissioning, energy auditing and sustainability consulting services for building owners, building owner’s representatives, property managers, construction managers and design teams.

I am responsible of providing commissioning and retro-commissioning services in accordance with international and regional sustainability green building rating systems. Furthermore, I have provided guidance and advice on sustainability strategies to the MEP, infrastructure, and building design team in the Gulf region. I have been appointed as a sustainability professional, led technical meetings with developers and design team engineers and delivered many sustainability packages for different building typologies as per authority requirements. I have conducted several ASHRAE Energy Audits and provided Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) to reduce the energy consumption and demand for different building typologies and I assisted in developing an Energy Management dashboard for property managers to monitor building’s performance.

I am engaged to consult with clients on Sustainability, Commissioning, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) matters in the built environment. Moreover, I represent the team at several conferences and sustainability charrettes to effectively bring new business to the company and promote the team’s capabilities and offerings with stakeholders in the industry. I enjoy securing new business, engaging in technical discussions, and advising developers on their sustainability strategies and business.