Prioritising Sustainability: Investment in
eco-friendly construction technologies,
and green energy pays dividends

03 May 2023
COO | Saif Air Tech part of Fakhruddin Holding

Samiullah khan

COO of Fakhruddin, MD of Euka International Ex Chief Operating Officer of Regency Group, Ex CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of The Island, (Lebanon Island – Ex VP SRM University (

Ex Country Head of Tata Motors, was involved with the Tata business with Mercedes Benz (India), Daewoo (Korea), Hispano (Spain), Hispano Marabi (Morocco), Tata ACGL ( Goa) , TATA NITOL ( Bangladesh) , Jaguar and Land Rower ( Saudi Arabia).

Operated in over 52 counties representing Tata Motors, SRM University and Euka International. An active learner, sportsman and team leader with an uncanny ability to exponentially amplify the dormant potential in both senior and junior colleague. Featured among “Top 100 Iconic NRI” for his contribution to the industry. Winner of DEWA – Global Water awards, producing over 5000 liters of drinking water per day from humidity in the UAE desert using solar power.

A Mechanical Engineering a master’s degree in Business Administration. Has undergone advanced training with Tata Management Training Centre (Bombay), XLRI (Jamshedpur), Harvard (strategy), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT – USA: Innovation, Design Thinking), Special Needs Education Training – University of Minnesota, Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage from The University of Edinburgh and Health Effects of Climate Change from Harvard.